Why Wellness Programs?
Wellness programs originated with tobacco cessation and alcohol counseling programs in the 1970s. Claremont Partners founder, Tom Bjornson, established the first programs of this type as part of an internally run organizational development effort at PG&E. Today, health plans use the term "Wellness" to refer to a broad array of programs that seek to improve the health status of plan participants and thereby offset avoidable healthcare costs.
Having a wellness program with tons of great information and tools will not have an impact on your plan members' health if they refuse to participate. Claremont partners works with your organization to ensure member participation.
Program Design
The majority of wellness programs are technology based and remotely administered. Claremont Partners rejects that model of wellness program design because we know that people aren't adequately motivated or served by such impersonal programs. Other wellness programs, when administered by one of the offered health plans, are not available to covered members who choose a different health plan.
Claremont Partners helps organizations develop wellness programs administered by internal stakeholders. We provide tools and training to the internal stakeholders so that the wellness program can be internally administered by the client without putting undue burdens on their busy staff. With Claremont Partners thorough wellness plan design, your organization can develop a culture of health from the inside out.
Such programs typically include:
Health Risk Assessment Screening (HRAs)
Online tools for members to access their screening results
Screenings promoted by Primary Care Physicians
Screenings administered at the work-site
Health Coaching
stress counseling
drug and alcohol abuse
Workplace Wellness Incentives
Communication Plan
Health Club Membership Subsidies
Work-site Fitness Classes
Program Effectiveness
Large surveys of the effectiveness of typical wellness programs show that results are mixed. The Claremont Partners point of view is that the success of the initiative depends on the unique characteristics of the client seeking to implement the program. We develop customized outcome measurements and assist with implementation cutting through the red tape and buzz words that typically stymie wellness program effectiveness.
We insist on access to detailed participation records in order to link wellness program participation with data from other components of the health plan. We find that the expected results need to be evaluated in the context of the many variables impacting members' decision making and health outcomes. Our clients have achieved recognition from the California Academy of Family Physicians for integrating data and care with not just transnational claims data, but also with bio-metric health data.