Health Program Integration
Designed to align the different health programs around a unified strategy, HPI assures that each participant understands their role and how they contribute to the goals of the health plan. These alignment goals are backed up by independent reporting and analysis to guarantee performance.
Wellness Programs
Member health is the aim of every Medical Benefit. By effectively supporting well-being you can increase members' quality-of-life and their productivity while simultaneously decreasing medical spend. But, influencing behavior change is one of the greatest challenges in benefit design.
Patient Centered Medical Home
Coordinating care for high-risk patients is the key to maintaining their health, and to keeping health care costs in check - yet the majority of providers use ineffective and inconsistent tools. Claremont Partners works intensively with the physicians groups in your city to create a true Patient Centered Medical Home.
Labor/Management Collaboration
Managing health benefit costs is a significant concern for both labor and management leaders, yet attempts at collaboration often lead to frustration, not improvements. Claremont Partners helps organizations structure health benefits decision making bodies where labor and management leaders share information, decision making power, and responsibility for outcomes. Claremont Partners' board governance assistance provides the backdrop for proactive evidence-based decision making that all stakeholders can stand behind.
Group Purchasing Alternatives
School districts and other clients have asked us to evaluate alternatives to their current arrangements for purchasing employee health benefits. Typically there are benefits from purchasing employee health benefits in a pool with other organizations. Claremont Partners has a methodology to evaluate current arrangements against multiple alternative scenarios.
Claremont Partners services in this area avoid the necessity of using a broker or insurance agent as intermediary. Unlike brokers and insurance agents, Claremont Partners receives no commission or other compensation from insurance companies or group purchasing organizations. Moreover, we do not “manage” any particular group purchasing organization, so our analysis and recommendations are free from bias.
Behavioral Health
Claremont Partners recognizes behavioral health issues as one of the primary areas for health program improvement. When health benefit program members manage behavior effectively, overall health and productivity improve. Employers can have a major impact on this area of health program performance by providing an effective Employee Assistance Program (EAP). EAP is a comprehensive problem solving resource for the workplace and for the employees/family members. An EAP is a highly sophisticated human resource program, with multiple delivery strategies, requiring specialized expertise. It is a resource that helps management respond to employees who have personal or family issues that are affecting work performance, and provides employees and their families with a reliable resource for addressing issues of personal concern before they become burdens which negatively effect their work.
Benefit Consultant RFPs
Organizations looking to buck the trend in rising medical costs and declining member health often find their Benefits Consultant reluctant to support the projects necessary to make significant change. Although There is no shortage of Benefits Consultants, organizations often struggle to find a firm with both the expertise and the will to go the extra mile and support meaningful program changes. Claremont Partners has firsthand experience with the challenges and rewards of working with Benefits Consultants, and can manage the RFP process to ensure that your organization finds an expert Benefits Consultant who is invested in meaningful change for your organization.